
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Trapped Emotional Energy Release (TEER)

Please forgive me for the long silence.  My last posting was in February and it's already October!!!

This year has demanded that I pay attention to my own health. I have listened to my body, and responded with whatever tools and techniques I have, using muscle testing to find out which one is the most appropriate to use for each issue. In the next few blog posts I will share information about the tools and techniques I used in my healing process over the past year, and provide opportunities for you to access them for yourself.

Earlier this year, I came across a mind-body technique developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, called The Emotion Code.  It is very similar to Dr. Karin Cremasco's Body Harmonization EMCC process that I have very effectively used since 2005.   EMCC uses a Breath Harmonization technique.  The Emotion Code uses magnets (even an ordinary fridge magnet will work!!) or energized hands to release trapped emotional energies from the body and subconscious mind. Both tools work beautifully, so I muscle test to find out which one to use for releasing the stuck emotions.

I worked with this technique almost daily over the past 9 months, and have incorporated it into the holistic self-care program that I practice and teach.  Each time I felt even a twinge of pain or discomfort in my body, I checked for trapped emotions that maybe connected to it, and processed /released them in a matter of minutes.

One of the most frequent issues I have had to deal with fairly regularly over the past two years was excruciating pain in my right hip joint and weakness in my right thigh muscles.  There were a few occasions that I was unable to get out of bed.  Using Dr. Nelson's Emotion Chart, I muscle tested to identify the emotion/s that related to the pain.  The emotions that came up to be released were from various stages of my life - mostly childhood and adolescence.  Some went back to the pre-natal period. Sometimes the emotions that were trapped in my body belonged to someone else.  At various stages of my life, I had taken them on. Some were passed down from ancestors.  When this was the case, after I had processed the emotions, intentionally and energetically, I sent them back to the people they belonged to, because while I held on to their emotions, they were unable to process them.  I intended that as I released these emotions, that they too would be enabled to release them and move forward.  The painful episodes seem to have subsided, and I have learned much about myself. 

I also released trapped emotional energies connected with high blood sugar and high blood pressure - two major health concerns I have had for years. Over the past 3 months, I went through huge lifestyle changes, and am now on a mostly raw food regime that has significantly lowered and stabilized both my blood sugar and blood pressure.  In the process, I let go of 15 pounds in 2 months, and am feeling better than I have felt in 20 years!!!

As I worked with EMCC and Emotion Code, I found myself combining it with other tools and techniques I knew.  I found that the synergy of techniques took my process to deeper levels. Since the process I was practicing changed considerably from its original form, I realized that I had developed another format that I call Trapped Emotional Energy Release (TEER).  I have incorporated the CHI Wholeness Exercise and other energy techniques to enhance the process, and to enable deeper healing and self-understanding.

I now offer workshops in Trapped Emotional Energy Release in Nairobi, Kenya and online (via Skype). The next workshop will be on Saturday, December 1 from 10 am - 5pm in Nairobi. Please e-mail me at for more information and to register.

If you have access to internet, and are interested in learning this process as a self-help tool, please e-mail me at, indicating your location (city /town and country), your phone number with country code and your preferences for month, day of week and times (morning/afternoon/evening ). I will get back to you shortly with further details of online seminars I will be offering in 2013.

What workshop participants report about their experience of TEER:

 The (TEER) Trapped Emotional Energy Release system works! Each day of using it I get results..I used it to stop my sugar addiction everything else failed but this!  Good stuff!
Yulonda Galloway, Washington, D.C.
 I recently learned the Trapped Emotional Energy Release (TEER) technique.  During one session I identified 3 different emotions connected to the issue I was dealing with that needed releasing – two of them were deeply embedded.  Suchinta explained that these trapped emotions are layered, and so may also be released in layers.  As I continue to practice TEER on a regular basis, some of the same issues come up several times, and more trapped emotional energies are released.   I did TEER today for an issue that had come up in the past, and I found another trapped emotion that came up for release.  I feel that little by little this technique is helping me to chip away at the blockages that have prevented me from fulfilling my life's purpose.
 Rachel Kaufman Parra, Washington,D.C.

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